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NBT Launches New Resources Section – Needs Your Help

A couple things I wanted to mention and ask here, and not just about the newly revised resource section. But let's cover that first:


I admire the fact that this website has turned into a bit of a reference portal for its readers. And so continuing on that train of thought, I recently gave our Resources section a major upgrade. I made my best effort to keep the junk out of lists, keep it professional, and add nothing but quality content. I removed what I saw as sub-par and added a lot more institutional material. There are now links to a massive haul of stuff, enough to keep you busy for months on end. It is all in its infancy and much more will be added down the pipeline.

But I need your help. 

Please send me (yes, the contact form actually works now) whatever you have in terms of the following new sections:

Free Resources

Paid Resources

Scholarly Papers

Institutional Research


Instant rejects include any retail broker research, forums, or just “playful” materials. Serious stuff only please. I don't consider sites like DailyFX a serious source of anything unfortunately.


I set up a chat room on this site about 3+ years ago when I had a little more time to play with my day. At first, it went fairly well and then it simply meandered to the point where it has basically kicked the bucket. As much as I would like to have the time to get in there and talk trading, life obligations void out that reality.

So, that's not to say we can't do something about it. There are heaps of plugins out there that are relatively easy to deploy an interactive community and that's what I'm working on. In my spare time I'll get the momentum turned up on this.


In case you are wondering what happened to the older “look” of the website, the bottom line is that the template wasn't compatible with the latest features of WordPress, so I upgraded to one with all the latest bells and whistles. Bottom line was I was getting a ton of internal server errors, blah blah blah….it broke.

Please send me feedback on the new site template if you like, as well – hard to read, hard to find stuff, whatever it may be. My feelings aren't hurt easily.

Trying to make this site as easy to use as possible in my spare time.

Thanks, and hope you like the new changes. Resources homepage is found here:
