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Paid Resources

FXSAnalytics – Our own training platform featuring a lengthy lecture series and ongoing support. Suitable for traders of virtually any market, but with a concentrated section on FX.

SpotGamma – Daily research and tradable levels with auto-imports into common trading platforms. Volatility and directional research stemming from option data for major US Equity markets.

JigsawTrading – Jigsaw is an extremely well-reviewed depth of market tool for the NinjaTrader, MultiCharts and Sierra Charts platforms. Jigsaw takes your typical depth of market and turns it into an information powerhouse with multiple displays of market orders on the bid/offer (delta), stores volume ladder data for reference beyond 10X, volume profile and as of 2016, visual depth charting through the Auction Vista feature.

Market News International – One of the best news feeds you can buy for this business, run by the Deutsche Borse Group. Dealer touted flows, and some of the best commentary I regularly read. Cost isn't advertised but it comes out to around 260-80 per month, I believe. Worth it if you are a professional.

IFR Markets – Very similar service as MNI, now owned by Thompson Reuters for quite a few years now. Parts of the feed can be accessed for free via a few retail brokers, Oanda is one of them, and also on the Reuters Eikon platform, if you have it.

Wall Street Journal – Need I explain…

Informa Global Markets – Another very robust news feed with dealer touted flows as well as lengthy and descriptive technical analysis. Once again an abbreviated version of this available via retail brokers.

ForexTester – A manual backtesting component for discretionary traders. Non-systematic or quantitative traders are historically at a disadvantage because they tend to lack statistical proof or validity of their trading style. Forex Tester allows you to trade in a simulated environment based on historical data, and at variable speeds.

RavenPack – Provides quantitative sentiment analysis for equity and FX markets – scours news feeds and algorithms place weighted characteristics on words and language being used, outputting a forward-looking determination of market sentiment.

Deep Learning Price Action Lab – Is one of the more sophisticated programs for quantitative price pattern recognition and modeling.

Deltix – becoming a very popular platform for quantitative trading / high frequency software development

MatLab – for many, the industry “go-to” for algorithmic trading computation and analysis.