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Aussie/Yen Trade Video Walkthrough – Inner Trendlines, Spike Base, Measured Move

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In a video mood today so I latched on while the getting was good. One of my regular trades this week using concepts we discuss all the time around here.

One thing I don't post often are examples of the whole trade construction process – partly because I loathe showing nothing but shining, perfect examples all the time – it defeats reality and just looks cheesy as far as I'm concerned. Overall a pretty good week with the exception of USD/MXN and GBP/CHF knocked me earlier on / GBP/JPY (discussed) mediocre results (closed 1/2 at level mentioned + higher tier never got hit) and everything else hung in there pretty well, so a happy start after my cast came off (I haven't been able to do any tech analysis up until last week). Some of the concepts discussed, links, etc. are all here:

Spike Base:

Measured Moves on Trendline Breaks:

Trade Decision Process:

Inner Trendlines:

YouTube Channel:
