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NBT Blogroll

Please note: this roll is dedicated to NBT, thus includes:

1. Friends

2. Regular visits by us

3. 1 and 2

….please don't contact me about this unless you're included on this list.

Strictly Macro/FX

Marc to Market (Marc Chandler) – Brown Brother's Harriman's  Global Head of Currency Strategy's blog, updated daily

InnerFX (Liviu Flesar) – Daily technical analysis, interviews, education

Macro Man – been a reader for years, pre and post the original Macro Man

Forex Crunch (Yohay Elam) – Offers daily analysis, education, the whole package

Forex Magnates (Mike Greenberg) – the business side of Foreign Exchange

Felix Salmon of Reuters – former Euromoney writer spills on everything FX

Trader Gav (Gavin..something) – A long-time friend of the site and independent trader posting market updates

Forex Live – Team updates 24 hours a day with independent analysis and news from Reuters

Stocktwits FX – the FX side companion to Abnormal Returns

Open Europe Blog – “a blog about the European Union, Foreign Policy, Politics, etc.”

Bruce Krasting – Former hedgie gone rogue

Equities and More

Calculated Risk (Bill McBride) – focus on U.S. macro data with daily prop analysis

Financial Times Alphaville – Blog of the Financial Times

The Big Picture (Barry Ritholtz) – heavily updated and popular financial blog includes a massive range of commentary and listings from around the web, as well as regular macro research from side contributers

The NY Times Dealbook (whoever doesn't get fired) – it's the dealbook…that is all

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysi (Mike Shedlock) – RIA offers macroeconomic research for U.S. and world markets (just read past the sometimes ultra liberal political opinions and you're fine)

Naked Capitalism (Yves Smith, alias) – popular blog writes wide range of commentaries focused on regulation, political issues, U.S. and world macro, etc.

Zero Hedge (Tyler Durden, or whatever his/their name is) – macro research, commentaries on US and world economies, and across all markets mostly updated during US sessions

InformedTrades – Articles, full forum community and a whole lot more


Gear Patrol – Toys….generally expensive ones

Lifehacker – Popular tech and how-to site

The Fancy – Unique items for just about every vertical imaginable