My online reach really goes as far as this site and a handful of friends that I have made over the years. This site is primarily education-based, so news outlets rarely link to me because the topics are not at-the-moment, and other educators rarely link to me (or any other) because heavens forbid someone say something that conflicts with their strategy.
So when I received an email from Simit Patel, the owner/founder of seeking an interview, I was happy to accept. Simit sent me 10 questions, several of which I have never been asked before, so I was happy to write away.
Also, as many of you know, I am not a fan of making videos. Simit told me that he's going to translate some of my writing here in a video form and get them up on his site at some point. I'll let you know when that happens.
You can find the interview right here, and be sure to check out the community while you're at it. Thanks as always and see you guys soon.