As of 1/1/2014 Our chat has been depreciated for our new Price Action Trading Board and as of Dec., 2014.
Please route all inquiries / trading discussions there. Reasons for this change are listed here.
This chat will eventually be integrated into the board. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Please read all bulletpoints below the chat window. Post and discuss current trades, strategy, etc. – our only goal here is to help each other and bounce around ideas. Nothing off-topic and No Spam. Please keep this community clean and free.
- To chat, enter a username and click the profile link (at the bottom of the chat window) and create a new password. You create your own password; I do not need to provide one for you. These are tracked, and spammers/abusers are automatically blocked. Any issues, please contact me.
- To create an avatar (image next to your name while chatting) upload your chosen image to the web. You can use the image uploader directly above for this. Copy the “Direct Link” after uploading a photo and paste it in the email / url field.
- The email/url field is optional, for avatars or your website. We respect your privacy and you do not need to publicly list your email.
- If you are having issues accessing the chatroom, your antivirus software might be blocking it. Please add and to your list of approved websites.
- If you are trying to access your username from a different IP address (computer location) than the one you set it up on, you will need to create another. Only one username is allowed per IP.